
Comaiba for Clinical Governance

Clinical governance and risk management within a complex healthcare environment is ever changing; organizations are constantly asked for information to assure various parties about the quality and safety of their healthcare facility. Stakeholders require more transparency than ever, patients are more engaged, and trusts are becoming more competitive. The regulatory pressure to demonstrate commitment to corporate and clinical responsibility is increasing.

Comaiba solution for clinical governance helps healthcare organizations to implement a systematic and integrated approach to improve clinical responsibility and accountability that improves quality and safety for optimal patient outcomes. Comaiba unifies clinical effectiveness, risk management, audit, education and training into a single system that consolidates, codifies, standardize and monitor organizational objectives, policies and procedures to facilitate healthcare excellence.

Comaiba ensures that required standards are achieved; timely investigations and corrective actions are taken on sub-standard performance, best practices are delivered, risks are identified and managed effectively; and continuous improvements are made based on learning’s. Real time insights into performance by governance elements and by business unit, department and domain; is helping healthcare organizations to identify areas of opportunities to drive process improvements and demonstrate commitment to quality and patient safety.